Public Affairs Lecture Series: John Dinkelman Skip to main content
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Public Affairs Lecture Series: John Dinkelman

BYU Lecture series was privileged to hear from John Dinkelman on Thursday, November 14th, 2018. John Dinkelman is chief of staff in the Bureau of Administration at the U.S. Department of State. Dinkelman’s overseas assignments with the Foreign Service have included: Yugoslavia, the UK, the Marshall Islands, the Netherlands, Turkey, Mexico, and most recently the Bahamas as chargé d’affaires. During his five years at the Foreign Service Institute, he trained over 2,700 officers—more than 40 percent of the American diplomatic corps—for which he received the 2006 Arnold L. Raphel Memorial Award.

John prefaced his lecture by telling students, “I am here to convince you that there is no better career path to follow than mine. I don't pretend to have all the soul answers for your life, but I can share that what I have done has been my dream, and it could be yours.”

While studying business at Brigham Young University, John found himself sneaking out of the Tanner building to attend classes in the Kennedy. He shared, “Those classeses were fun for me. I didn't consider it school.” But although John was interested in politics and foreign affairs, he felt he needed to stay with what he considered a safe education, and finished his studies in business. John then shared this important life principle:

“If you feel impressed, or in your heart you have a desire to pursue a certain education or career, always follow those feelings.” Luckily for John, an opportunity came his way that led him to where he is today. One day John was informed that the Foreign Service Exam was being given near him and he felt encouraged to take it. He shared, “My heart sang when I considered taking the test. I had a feeling that it was right for me.” However, in his first attempt, John failed terribly. He continued to prepare and ended up taking the exam several times before he found himself heading east for Washington D.C. As John started his career, he shared that he felt very inadequate; and still to this day sometimes feels those same threats of inadequacy. However, John has been given his dream experience over the years, as he has worked and grown in foreign service. He shared some of the following as the highlights in his career. He invited students to consider following his career path if they also desire these outcome for their future. The opportunity to serve the United States and represent one's country. The privilege of meeting and serving with leaders from countries all over the world. The priceless experience of helping to build God’s kingdom throughout the world in small branches where strong families are desperately needed. The treasured opportunities to live in so many different countries. And to then get to teach ones children different ways of life among many different cultures. The many experiences that help teach the entire family how be selfless and have service mentality. Finally, John closed by again encouraging students to follow the desires of their heart. He shared in regards to his career, “Do not discount your opportunity to do this job. If I can get it, you can too. If something inside you is telling you to pursue this, then you must pursue it. Don't do yourself the disservice of not taking the opportunity to try. You never want to look back and say, ‘I could have. I might have. I should have.’ And who knows, you might succeed.” Thank you John Dinkelman for your insightful stories and encouraging words!