Dr. Preece received her PhD from UCLA in 2010 and joined BYU's Political Science faculty that Fall. Her research is on candidate ambition, recruitment, and selection. She has special interests in gender and experiments. Her publications include pieces in The American Journal of Political Science, The Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Political Behavior, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Gender and Politics, among others.
- Karpowitz, C., Preece, J., & Monson, J. (2017). How to Elect More Women: Gender and Candidate Success in a Field Experiment. American Journal of Political Science, 61(4), 927-943.
- Preece, J. (2016). Recruitment and Perceptions of Gender Bias in Party Leader Support. Political Research Quarterly, 69(4), 842-851.
- Preece, J. (2016). Gender Inequalities in Campaign Finance. Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 11(2), 219-248.
- Preece, J., & Stoddard, O. (2016). Run Jane, Run: Gendered responses to political party recruitment". Political Behavior, 38(3).
- Preece, J. (2016). Mind the Gender Gap: The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Political Interest. Politics & Gender, 12(1), 198-217.
- Preece, J. R. (2015). Why Women Don’t Run: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Competition Aversion. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 117(September), 296-308.
- Preece, J. (2015). Does the Message Matter? A Field Experiment on Political Party Recruitment. Journal of Experimental Political Sceince, 2(2), 1-10.
- Preece, J. (forthcoming). Mind the Gender Gap: The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Political Interest. Politics & Gender.
- Preece, J. (2014). How the Party Can Win in Personal Vote Systems: The “Selectoral Connection” and Legislative Voting in Lithuania. Legislative Studies Quarterly.