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News & Events
December 4th, 2023
Political Science Internship Grant Applications
for Winter Semester

Thanks to generous donors, the BYU Political Science Department has funding available for a limited number of student internships. Please note that department internship grants are for POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJORS ONLY.  Priority will be given to upper-division students. (Funds are NOT available for Study Abroad programs.)

Prior to submitting a funding application, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

1. You must be a declared major in Political Science
2. You have been accepted to an unpaid, professionally supervised internship that is one term or more in duration. (Students may not receive awards for paid internships.)
3. Job shadowing, job experiences, or volunteering are not eligible for funding.
4. You must be registered for at least 3 credits of a qualified, professional competency-based 399R course, to be completed concurrent with the internship. Please work with the FHSS internship coordinator to enroll in the correct course and credit hours.
5. A grant application must be submitted and approved prior to departure for the internship. All late submission applications will be denied.
The deadline for  applications is December 7th.
The following new winter semester courses may count towards upper-division major requirements. If these courses don’t appear in your MAP, you can contact the Liberal Arts Advisement Center to make a substitution.
POLI 319R: Democracy and Decision Making in Small Groups
POLI 359R section 001: Democracy and Autocracy
POLI 359R section 002: Politics of Care
POLI 359R section 003: Protests and Revolution
POLI 368R section 001: Public Ethics
POLI 379R section 001: Introduction to Open-Source Intelligence
POLI 379R section 002: International Relations in Europe
POLI 379R section 003: US-Taiwan and Cross-Strait Relations
New Political Science Course For Winter 2024!
POLI 379R, Sec 003:
U.S.-Taiwan and Cross-Strait Relations
Why is Taiwan so important for U.S. interests in the Indo-Pacific region?  How did it change from dictatorship to democracy?  How did it become the most important source of high-end computer chips?  Why is Taiwan now more threatened by Chinese invasion?  For the answers to these questions and more, consider signing up for the Poli 379R sec 003 course: U.S.-Taiwan and Cross-Strait Relations.  This course is relevant for Political Science, International Relations or Asia Studies majors who wish to understand the political dynamics surrounding Taiwan and its growing importance for the United States, the Indo-Pacific region and the world. 
W. Brent Christensen, an alumnus of BYU, has spent over 30 years in the U.S. Foreign Service, with most of his career devoted to China and Taiwan.  Previously serving as Director of the State Department’s Taiwan Coordination Office and Director (Ambassador equivalent) of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), he is uniquely qualified to share insights and perspectives on Taiwan, China and U.S. policy towards Taiwan.   
New Political Science Course For Winter 2024!
POLI 359R, Sec 001: Democracy and Autocracy
with Professor Darin Self
POLI 359R is a topics course aimed at providing students with greater depth in a thematic field within Comparative Politics. This specific course is designed to help students gain a strong understanding in democracy, democratic development, democratization, authoritarianism, and autocratization. Through this class students will learn the various ways to define democracy and authoritarianism and different strategies to measure these concepts. Students will also learn the leading theories which explain the emergence of democracy and democratic erosion, along with theories explaining the durability and stability of authoritarian regimes. 
Interested in a Career in Intelligence?
See yourself at CIA, DIA, NSA, DHS or FBI?
Opportunity knocks!
Prof. Brad Bruton, with over 40 years in the US Intelligence Community, now an active  professional intel trainer, is returning to BYU in Winter 2024 to present “Introduction to Open Source Intelligence” for the eighth running! 
Political Science 379R section 001 is a one-credit hour Seminar that meets only four times, on Tues 16 Jan, Thurs 18 Jan, Tues 23 Jan and Thurs 25 Jan from 5:00 to 8:30pm in MARB 130.  Prof. Bruton will also be available for over 40 hours outside of class to meet with students and offer career advice. 

Previous students have said:
“This is one of the most useful classes I've taken at BYU.

“I learned some super valuable skills,.” 

“… provides great resources and makes the material very accessible. He is also very kind and definitely cares ….”
“... anyone interested in working in intelligence of any kind should take the class. He goes out of his way to meet one-on-one with students outside of class, and he gives great career advice.  “
The syllabus is here:   [B,O,S,I upper case]
Bio here
Ratemyprofessor comments here
Internships & Jobs
Research Assistant for BYU's Wheatley Institute
BYU’s Wheatley Institute is seeking exceptional students for an in-depth experiential learning opportunity as a Research Assistant for its Constitutional Government initiative. The anticipated start is January 8, 2024 and the research projects will likely take at least 4 to 6 months to complete. More projects are expected to follow.
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Learning & Development Intern
Cox Enterprises is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic Learning and Development Intern to join their team. This internship offers a unique opportunity for hands-on experience while working side-by-side with our experienced L&D professionals, gaining insights into the latest industry trends and best practices.
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Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy communications internship opening Winter (Spring) 2024 in DC!
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the country’s premier progressive tax policy research organization, seeks a three-day-per-week paid Communications Intern for the Spring 2024 semester. This internship is open to undergraduates, recent graduates, and graduate students.
ITEP believes in moving America towards worker justice, economic justice, and racial justice by promoting progressive tax policy at a federal, state, and local levels. Our influential staff works with policymakers, reporters, and partners to research, support and develop tax policies that address inequity. Our unique ability to break down tax distribution by income, race, and geography and our tracking of corporate tax avoidance steers the debate about tax justice. Join us to make a difference.
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Blueprint Public Affairs is seeking a talented individual who is passionate about winning campaigns for independent, moderate, and progressive nonprofits and political candidates. Applicants should have a passion for candidates working to address homelessness, curb climate change, promote the arts, defend pro-democracy values, promote race equity, and elect independent, moderate and progressive political candidates.
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Research Associate in Quantitative
Social Science at Darmouth

Professor Brendan Nyhan, a political scientist in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College, invites applications for a research associate who will work with him on (1) projects related to misperceptions and online information exposure and (2) Bright Line Watch, an organization that researches the state of democracy in the United States. Bright Line Watch is co-directed by Nyhan and Professor John Carey, another political scientist in the Department of Government. Carey would co-supervise the associate’s work on Bright Line Watch.
Full-Time Research Project Manager at Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a research project manager for a Carnegie Corporation funded project supervised by Drs. Jacob Montgomery, Christopher Lucas, Jacob
Montgomery, and Margit Tavits, the Transdisciplinary Institute in Applied
Data Sciences (TRIADS), and the Department of Political Science at
Washington University in St. Louis.

The project examines politicians’ use of populist rhetoric across the
world’s democracies in order to understand its origins, mode of spread, and
consequences to the democratic process and stability. The project draws on
a massive new dataset of social media posts by politicians and political
parties around the world and will also include original surveys in four
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Remote Part-time Data/Quantitative
Research Position

Cornell is looking to hire someone to work on their 2024 US Presidential Electoral College forecast. Their 2020 forecast, conducted more than 100 days prior to the election, correctly predicted the 2020 vote outcome in every state but one. The person hired will be invited to co-author on published work from the project. The position can be remote.

Key responsibilities include downloading and cleaning relevant public opinion and economic data, merging data, estimating Multilevel Regression with Poststratification (MRP) models, generating tables and figures, and (if desired), helping write up results.

The position will begin in January or early February and extend through August. We expect it will require approximately 10 to 20 hours/week, though there can be some flexibility from week-to-week if desired.

More Info
Policy Research Intern Needed
  • Starts January 2024
  • Applications will be considered through 12/31/23
  • Remote/In-office opportunities
  • Opportunity for fulltime employment post-internship
  • Center-right organization
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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