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News & Events
January 10, 2022
Political Science News
“Poli Sci Stories” Video Competition

The Department of Political Science is pleased to announce the 2022 “Poli Sci Stories” video competition. All BYU Political Science students, whatever your class standing, are encouraged to create and submit a short video (around 2-4 minutes), which may include both video and photos combined, in any of four categories: 1. Study Abroad; 2. Domestic Study in the USA; 3. BYU Campus Student Life; 4. Internships. Submission for the year 2021-2022 are due on April 1, 2022.

Winning videos will be screened at the Annual Political Science Department awards banquet in April. The winning student will receive $500, with smaller cash prizes for runners up, gifts and Department certificates.

“Poli Sci Stories” has been ongoing since 2017, when our first students submitted videos about their experiences being a student at BYU in Political Science.

Please contact Matthew Clarke at BYU Political Science with questions, at:

Click here for rules and submission instructions and check out our Poli Sci Stories Youtube Videos from previous years.
Looking for volunteer editors!
The Sigma: Journal of Political and International Studies is in need of editors. If you are interested in volunteering, please email with your information. 
Our Women in Law Luncheon is coming up on Thursday, January 27th!  Our special guest speaker this year will be Marie Howick, Senior Legal Counsel, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. The event will be held in the BYU Heritage Halls Central Building, 2nd Floor, at 11 AM
This is an event dedicated to helping undergraduate women and other prospective law students connect with law students and professors.
We're implementing a new peer mentoring initiative within the Political Science Department! If you are a lowerclassman, this resource is for you! Your peer mentor can answer questions about classes, clubs, opportunities, and just be a friendly and familiar face within the major. 
We will coordinate who you mentor based on similar interests and opportunities. We'll also sponsor events where you can connect with other students. One of our main goals with this peer mentoring initiative is to help new poli sci majors make connections with other students in the major. Follow the link below if you'd like to sign up!

Civic Synergy, a student-led organization focused on political depolarization, is looking for participants ages 18-30 to join in discussions about some of the most important issues facing America today. From early March to mid-April of 2022, participants will engage in six sessions focused on a topic of their selection (economic mobility, environmentalism, or US & the world) that include brief, informative, and inspiring talks. Those talks are then followed by facilitated cross-partisan discussions aimed at generating solutions. Through the program, participants will not only discuss pragmatic policy proposals that they can present to members of think tanks, Congress, and other organizations but will build the toolkit to have productive conversations with those across the aisle.

The Spring 2022 program will occur from March 1st, 2022 to April 15th, 2022, with a time commitment of around 2 hours/week.

Interested students can apply here:

If you are interested in becoming a campus ambassador for the program, please fill out this interest form:

Additional information about Civic Synergy can be found on our website and Instagram page. The deadline for applicants will be FEBRUARY 20, 2022.

Job and Internship Opportunities
Undergraduate Diversity Fellowship
A fellowship for Black and brown students who are
freshman, sophomore, and junior college students interested in
international affairs or U.S. foreign policy.
 To learn more and apply, click here.
Application Now Open!
Technical Solutions Engineer
As a Technical Solutions Engineer at Epic, you'll work on software that impacts 250 million patients around the world. This is a great opportunity for political science students to learn critical problem-solving skills. To learn more about this position and the application please click here. 
Interested applicants can contact Adam Roberts at
Community Development Intern
The State of Utah’s Community Development Office (CDO) is seeking one part-time (10 hours/week minimum, $14 hourly) paid intern beginning in the spring semester. CDO supports regional, rural Association of Government (AOG) planners across the state through training, information, and research. The internship is anticipated to end in the Spring (April / May), with a potential full-time extension through Summer (August) and the possibility of continuing based on CDO needs and intern interest. Deadline to Apply: Friday, January 14, 2022
Please click here to read the job description.

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to Jordan Katcher at
For Prospective Predoctoral Research Fellows
The King's Center Predoctoral Research Fellows Program is a full-time, two-year postbaccalaureate program designed to prepare individuals for careers in academic research focused on issues related to global development. This multidisciplinary program operates in partnershop with the Stanford Graduate School of Business. 
To learn more, please click HERE
Upcoming Career Services and Handshake Events: 
Monday, January 10th, 11:30 am-3:30 pm: LinkedIn Photo Booth. Register Here
Wednesday, January 12th, 11:00 am-2:00 pm: ILP- Teach English Aboard. Register Here
Thursday, January 13th, 2:00-3:00pm: Serve with City Year 2022-2023. Register Here
Tuesday, January 18th, 3:00-4:00 pm: How to Navigate a Career Fair. Register Here
Thursday, January 20th, 9:00 am-3:00 pm: FHSS Internship & Civic Engagement Fair. Register Here
Thursday, January 20th, 10:00 am- 3:00 pm: BYU Virtual All Career Fair. Register Here
Job Posting: Corporate Transactional Assistant – great position for anyone interested in the legal field or pursuing an MBA.
* More details and events can be found on and*
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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