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News & Events 1/19

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News & Events
January 19, 2021
Our Winter Semester office hours are Monday-Friday 10am to 2pm.
Outside of these hours, office staff can be contacted by email at or

Have immediate class planning questions?
Contact the Liberal Arts Advisement and Careers office to meet with an undergraduate specialist by calling 801-422-3541.
Have graduation requirement questions?
Meet with the Liberal Arts Advisement and Career graduation specialists by sending them a Y message
Upcoming Career Services and Handshake Events:
Thursday, January 21st, 12:00- 1:00 pm: Ask an Expert: How to Rock the STEM Fair. Register Here

Thursday, January 21st, 2:00-3:00 pm: Insights from NSA Intelligence Analysis. Register Here
Monday, January 25th, 12:00- 1:00 pm: Peace Corps Info: Community Economic Development Programs.
Register Here

Tuesday, January 26th, 2:00- 3:00 pm: How to Navigate a Virtual Fair. Prepare for the BYU Career and Internship Fair. Register Here
Thursday, January 28th, 9:00 am- 3:00 pm: BYU Career and Internship Fair Winter 2021. Register Here

Wednesday, January 27th, 12:00- 1:30 pm: Government Employer Panel. Register Here
Tuesday, February 2nd, 9:00 am- 3:00 pm: BYU STEM Fair Winter 2021: Technology. Register Here.
* More details and events can be found on and*
The BYU Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution is hosting an event next Thursday (in conjunction with the inauguration) that may be of interest to political science students. For more information and to register, please see their flyer here:
Free Software Training Classes
Did you know that the Harold B. Lee Library offers free software training classes for students, staff, and faculty? With this service, you can learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, and other programs all for free. Despite closures due to COVID-19, they continue to teach using Zoom. Visit to register for classes and to download the Adobe Creative Cloud for free.

Utah Student Collaboration Assistance Program (USCAP)

Students are invited to collaborate with Utah’s Community Development Office (CDO) through the University Student Community Assistance Program (USCAP). If you would like to develop a community development project within rural Utah, they would love to collaborate with you. These project collaborations make a difference in communities, and help you to apply critical skills, network with state agencies, and build your resume.

Potential Student Projects
Learn More
Connect With Us!
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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