Congratulations to these Political Science
Students for Making the Dean's List!
These students are ranked in the top 5 percent of our college for the given semester, have earned a minimum of 14 credit hours, and have earned a minimum GPA of at least 3.5 for the semester.
Madison Lynne Andersen Allie Nicole McBride
Dallin Holt Bundy Alora Miller
Tannah Caroline Carter Kimball Richard Moffat
Julia Chatterley Zachary Nathan Munson
Abby Elizabeth Child Matthew Newman
Anna Rae Davis Mariah Leigh Nuttall
Nathan Fairbanks Ellsworth Jennifer Portillo
John Franklin V Hall Hannah Marie Powers
Alix Nicole Hess Caleb Ringger
Marshall Job Seth Taylor Ririe
Alexis Marie Lips Abbigail Slade Thacker
Spencer Paul Madsen Vanessa Jane Tuttle
Sheamus Michael Mahoney Maria Kathryn Whitaker