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News & Events 12/14

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News & Events
December 14, 2021

Happy finals week, Political Science students!
We're grateful for you and your hard work and dedication. We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Political Science News

2021 Poster Conference

This week's Poster Conference was a big success! Here are the winners of the 2021 Poster Conference and their prizes: 
  1. Ashlan Gruwell, "Evangelical Protestants: Friend or Foe?" Awarded $300
  2. Madison Sinclair Johnson, "Tried and Prejudice: Using Hate Crime States" Awarded $250
  3. David Clove, Abigail Ryan, "Be Through Sexist? Hostie & Benevolent Sexism Among Latter-day Saints" Awarded $200
Subfield Winners ($150):
Best comparative paper: Elliana Pastrano, "How do Emigration Rates Affect the Democracy Score of the Home Country?"
Best IR paper: Peyton Lykins, "Tanks and Missles: The Only Counterterrorism Strategy?"
Best American paper: Kelsy Eyre, Jordan Gygi, and Kelsy Townsend, "To Guide Us in Elected Officials Respond to Minority Constituents."
Note: There were no theory posters
Honorable Mention: 
“Ideologues in the Political Pipeline: Measuring the Ambition of Local Elected Officials” 
     By Grant Baldwin & Chris Vazquez
“Are Supreme Court Decisions Congruent with Public Opinion on Campaign Finance” 
     By Kesley Townsend
“Polarization Through a Generational Lens” 
     By Jeremy Pratt, Clara Cullen, Hannah Forsyth
“Does Clothing Make the Candidate? Identifying the Impact of Traditional Immigrant Clothing on Elections” 
     By Elle Diether, Megan Cann, and McKell McIntyre
“The Failure Effect: Gender and Benevolence in Sports” 
     By Abby Woodfield, Morgan Rushforth, Meg Price, Sam Ames
We're implementing a new peer mentoring initiative within the Political Science Department! If you are a lowerclassman, this resource is for you! Your peer mentor can answer questions about classes, clubs, opportunities, and just be a friendly and familiar face within the major. 
This initiative is being organized by the BYU Political Affairs Society (the main student club in the political science department). We will coordinate who you mentor based on similar interests and opportunities. We'll also sponsor events where you can connect with other students. One of our main goals with this peer mentoring initiative is to help new poli sci majors make connections with other students in the major. Follow the link below if you'd like to sign up!
Click here to read the latest edition of the Political Science Magazine! 
Job and Internship Opportunities
The College Student Congress Summer Program
In need of representatives from Idaho and Utah. Applications are due next Wednesday!

Applications for the Henry Clay Center’s fully-funded, public-policy summer program - the College Student Congress - are due next Wednesday, December 22nd! This two-week program in  Lexington, Kentucky, and  Washington, D.C. is an ideal academic and professional experience for current college juniors interested in public policy, politics, law, government, public service, history, and economics. 
To apply please click here.
Community Development Intern
The State of Utah’s Community Development Office (CDO) is seeking one part-time (10 hours/week minimum, $14 hourly) paid intern beginning in the spring semester. CDO supports regional, rural Association of Government (AOG) planners across the state through training, information, and research. The internship is anticipated to end in the Spring (April / May), with a potential full-time extension through Summer (August) and the possibility of continuing based on CDO needs and intern interest. Deadline to Apply: Friday, January 14, 2022
Please click here to read the job description.

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to Jordan Katcher at
Applications now open for 2022 AEI Summer Honors Program

AEI’s Academic Programs team is accepting applications for our 2022 Summer Honors Program.

AEI’s Summer Honors Program provides ambitious and talented undergraduates the opportunity to explore some of today’s most pressing public policy issues alongside AEI scholars (or partner instructors) and other students from across the ideological spectrum. We’re offering 16 courses this year, covering topics like constitutional interpretation, China's foreign policy, the American healthcare system, and the moral implications of markets. Outside of the seminars, students will engage with a wide range of scholars and commentators from think tanks and media outlets, and explore possible career paths in Washington.

Current undergraduates and recent graduates (Winter 2021 or later) are eligible to apply. The early decision deadline is December 21, 2021 and the final deadline is March 1, 2022
Learn More
Spring 2022 Internship Opportunity-- Utah Department of Health

The Utah Department of Health Office of Health Care Statistics, a bureau within the Center for Health Data and Informatics, is currently looking for interns for the spring 2022 semester. A flyer describing this opportunity is attached. We are excited to share that since the summer of this year when we started this initiative, we have had students from graduate and undergraduate programs across a few colleges in the state participate, and a couple of students have been offered full time jobs at the Department!

To read more, please click here.
For Prospective Predoctoral Research Fellows

The King's Center Predoctoral Research Fellows Program is a full-time, two-year postbaccalaureate program designed to prepare individuals for careers in academic research focused on issues related to global development. This multidisciplinary program operates in partnershop with the Stanford Graduate School of Business. 
To learn more, please click HERE
Upcoming Career Services and Handshake Events: 
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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