News & Events 2/13/2023 Skip to main content

News & Events 2/13/2023

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News & Events
February 13th, 2023
Political Science News
The BYU Center for the Study of Elections and
Democracy (CSED) is now accepting new applicants
for their undergraduate fellowship during the
2023-2024 school year! 
Each semester, some of BYU’s brightest students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty and other students, researching the latest political science data and practicing new research methods. Participating in the CSED Research Lab allows students to better their research skills and implement their own research ideas. Through hands-on experience, engaging discussions, and seminars from political science experts and professionals, CSED Fellows receive a rich educational experience in this 1-credit hour class. Applicants must have completed POLI 200, and the completion of POLI 328 is strongly encouraged.
For more info on CSED and to apply: 
Take the STDEV 317: Job Search Strategies class with Political Science Academic Advisor Landon Tooke
This semester, there will be a second block evening section of STDEV 317: Job Search Strategies. Political Science students greatly benefit from taking this course. Landon will be teaching section 006.

Course Description: 
Preparing for employment and internship opportunities. Practical strategies to facilitate internship and/or career preparation: resumes, cover letters, networking, interviewing, and Internet research.
Monday, February 13th
9:00-10:00AM: True Life: “I Want to Be a Teacher” Webinar – Baltimore City Public Schools. Register HERE
10:00-11:00AM: Virtual Information Session – IDR 2023 Summer Sales Internship Dallas. Register HERE
11:00-12:00PM: Federal Internships Panel Event. Register HERE
12:00-3:00PM: Buckner Company Tabling (General Business, Econ, Stats, Comms). Register HERE
Tuesday, February 14th
10:00-10:45AM: EY Careers in Assurance: Forensic & Integrity Services. Register HERE
Wednesday, February 15th
11:30-1:00PM: BYU Walmart Sponsored Women In Tech Lunch. Register HERE
3:30-4:30PM: L’Oreal Global Case Competition – Gain Experience working with L’Oreal! Register HERE
5:00-6:00PM: NSA Information Session. Register HERE
Thursday, February 16th

2:00-3:30PM: Disney on the Yard’s Divine Nine Roundtable. Register HERE
Friday, February 17th
11:00-11:45AM: Black in Business: Career Advice for Young Black Professionals. Register HERE

Seriatim was founded with the goal of supporting an engaged citizenry by fostering an open marketplace of ideas and encouraging the productive exchange of political speech. They seek to provide a platform for students to share their work with the community at large, and work to provide an avenue for constructive political discourse. You can read more about our publication here.

Seriatim is currently accepting submissions for their Spring 2023 journal

Submissions to the journal must relate to American politics or political theory, however, they encourage topics that incorporate other disciplines. Further information and submission instructions can be on their website. The deadline to submit is Tuesday, February 28 at 11:59 PM ET. 

More Info
Applications for SICSS Summer School in Computational Social Sciences at the University of Rochester (May 8 - May 19) are now open! Seniors planning to do a PhD, Master's students, PhD students, and junior faculty within 7 years of their PhD from different fields interested in computational social sciences are welcome to apply! We are very excited about re-organizing the event for the 2nd time this year!
This summer school will give you an opportunity to build an exciting project with a team of researchers (i), expand your research network (ii), learn about the more quantitative aspects of social sciences (iii), and hear what an exciting range of speakers from the field have to say! (iv)
You can find more information about the program their website
Job and Internship Opportunities
BYU MEd/Education Policy Studies Program
Are you interested in a career focused on influencing education? Are you passionate about social change? The David O. McKay School of Education at BYU offers a versatile master’s degree in Education Policy Studies that prepares students for a variety of career trajectories. 
If you are drawn towards any of the following areas of work, this program would be a great fit for you!  
  • Education policy in Utah and the United States
  • Non-profit management and social innovation
  • Education law 
  • Research, analysis, and evaluation  
  • International development
Applications for our Fall 2023 cohort will be accepted through May 1st.
Please refer to their website or reach out for more information. 
Research Opportunity
Emergent Analytics has a project coming up that represents an opportunity for a graduate or advanced undergraduate student. They have been hired to conduct a social license survey for a mineral exploration company in southern Utah, and are in need of one or two interviewers to conduct several 1-hour interviews with stakeholders. These interviews are a semi-structured mixture of quantitative and qualitative questions and are expected to take place over the course of 7 to 10 days, starting with training on Feb 18th and continuing until the 1st of May at the latest. The student will need to be willing and able to travel with the team to Southern Utah for the work. The pay is $30/hour, with travel, meals, and accommodations provided, and is expected to require between 20 and 30 hours per interviewer.
They are looking for students (or recent graduates) in the social sciences/humanities that may have some interviewing experience and an interest in stakeholder management and CSR. For More information please contact Dr. Kyle Bahr at
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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