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News & Events
February 7, 2022
Political Science News
Please join us in the Hinckley Alumni Center this Thursday at 11am to hear Gail Miller speak on the impact of community service and philanthropy. We are very fortunate to have her as our guest speaker for this year’s Durham Lecture and hope you will join us for this worthwhile event.
BYUPAS is hosting a Q&A panel on the Russia-Ukraine conflict featuring Celeste Beesley and Scott Cooper as well as Jeff Hardy from the History Dept.
It will be this Thursday, Feb. 10th at 7pm in B192 JFSB (The Education in Zion Auditorium, which is at the bottom of the spiral stairs in the front of the JFSB).
This is an opportunity for undergraduates to learn about various professional fields opened up by law school and mingle with students virtually and in person. 
Those interested can RSVP here.
“Poli Sci Stories” Video Competition

The Department of Political Science is pleased to announce the 2022 “Poli Sci Stories” video competition. All BYU Political Science students, whatever your class standing, are encouraged to create and submit a short video (around 2-4 minutes), which may include both video and photos combined, in any of four categories: 1. Study Abroad; 2. Domestic Study in the USA; 3. BYU Campus Student Life; 4. Internships. Submission for the year 2021-2022 are due on April 1, 2022.

Winning videos will be screened at the Annual Political Science Department awards banquet in April. The winning student will receive $500, with smaller cash prizes for runners up, gifts and Department certificates.“Poli Sci Stories” has been ongoing since 2017, when our first students submitted videos about their experiences being a student at BYU in Political Science.

Please contact Matthew Clarke at BYU Political Science with questions, at:

Click here for rules and submission instructions and check out our Poli Sci Stories Youtube Videos from previous years.
To apply, please visit
Read the February Issue of the Political Review Here!
Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters will be hosting its annual conference March 19th this year. We are welcoming submissions for presentations now. The deadline to submit papers for the 2022 Annual Conference is Feb. 22, 2022.

The conference will take place on Saturday, March 19, 2022 at BYU with a virtual option available as well. Faculty and students of Utah Universities are especially encouraged to participate.

Online abstracts submission is now open. Presenters at the conference may submit a manuscript of their presentation to be considered for inclusion in the peer reviewed Journal of the Utah Academy with an outstanding paper chosen in each division and recognized at the annual Awards Evening held in the autumn. Please submit your manuscript to your division chair.
Pre-registration ends March 7, 2022.
Register online at

Bain & Company

Consulting 101 Event
Thursday, February 10th – 5:00pm – Wilk 3380
Come learn what management consulting is, and why Bain is such a great place to start a career
Case Competition - This should be a great opportunity to dive into relevant, real-world problem-solving, as well as to meet members of the Bain team.
Kickoff:  Thursday, February 10th – 6:30pm – 251 TNRB
First Round Presentations (via Zoom):  Friday, February 25
Final Presentations to Bain Leadership Team: Thursday, March 3
1st Place: Guaranteed first round interviews (2 internship interviews & 2 full-time interviews – so choose teams wisely)
Other minor details:
- Teams should all have 4 members – We will only give out a max of 2 intern       and 2 full-time interviews, so plan your teams accordingly.
- Depending on how many people sign up, we may limit teams (so come to the    kick-off ready to sign up)
- Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors are allowed to participate
For more information, CLICK HERE. 
The Teaching Assistant Association is a new organization on campus aimed at helping Teaching Assistants and those who work with them to develop the skills they need to truly excel with their responsibilities! Come join us for our Winter Semester Kickoff to discuss the needs of TAs across BYU and to see the schedule for our meetings this coming semester! The TA Association is also in search of officiers. BYU Milk and Cookies will be provided! Come learn how to be a better TA, get a job as a TA, or communicate better with your TA!

Location: MCKB 230
Time: Tuesday Feb. 8th, 7:00pm

The Military, Veterans, and Society program at the Center for a New American Security is doing a research project examining the future of government service in national security among civilians. As part of the research, they're conducting a series of virtual focus groups, including targeted focus groups for undergraduate students.

The Google Form for interested students can be found here and the formal invitation is below. Interested students can also participate in a survey, found here. 

Job and Internship Opportunities
Analyst Institute is looking to fill the position of Community Manager on our Partnerships & Community Engagement Team. *We are seeking an excellent communicator with strong project management and interpersonal skills. As community manager, you’ll guide and implement programming that fosters a strong community and educates members about our latest research findings and recommendations.
Click Here to learn more. 
Campus Ambassador - Part-time Paid Internship Program
Starting at $2,000/month.
Location: Brigham Young University
Have you been looking for ways to get involved, but don’t know where to start? Get your first big break in Republican politics with Vanguard Field Strategies! Vanguard is the nation's leading paid field program specializing in building grassroots campaigns. Our winning team prides itself on having exceptional staff working some of the biggest races in the country.
Vanguard’s Campus Ambassadors internship program will give you the breakthrough campaign skills that you need! Our Campus Ambassadors will support our national recruitment efforts by building and nurturing a regional team and working directly with Vanguard’s National Recruitment Director.
Contact Nikkie Nguyen for more information, and to set up a zoom interview or phone call to discuss details or answer any questions. | (949) 791-7487
"I invite you to join me in Florence, Italy this June 2022, for a month-long class: Machiavelli: Politician, Playwright, Philosopher (HIST 2020/POLT 2500/PHIL 2080). This is a three-credit course with no prerequisites; you can either use it as an elective or apply it towards a degree in philosophy, political science, or history.
This is part of the partnership between Webster University and the Kent State Summer Institute.  If you are NOT a Webster student, or any kind of student, you are still eligible to apply for the course as a guest student.
The class meets 16 times across the four weeks.  Six of those meetings are visits to locations where Machiavelli lived or worked 500 years ago. The class will read his most famous and controversial book, The Prince; his most reflective book, The Discourses; and his runaway hit madcap play, The Mandrake Root (of which volunteers from the class will do a staged reading for the other Summer Institute students)." -David Carl Wilson, PhD
For more information, see
Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduates 
The Security and Political Economy (SPEC) Lab at the University of Southern California is welcoming applications from current undergraduate students for an 8-week intensive research training program, “Data Science and the Political Economy of International Security” in summer 2022. The program, which runs from June 13th to August 5th, includes training in research methods and work as a research assistant on faculty-led projects related to the political economy of security.

For more information please CLICK HERE. 
Deep Root Analytics in D.C. Job Opportunity
This entry-level job linked below is for the Tunnl analyst program which is meant to help cross-train data analysts across several teams to find a good fit for advancement. Students who did well on POLI 328 memos would be especially good fits. Griffin Moore would be happy to talk to anyone who is interested.
Griffin Moore
 CLICK HERE for more information and to apply. 
Milliman Torch Insight Job Opportunity
Milliman Torch Insight (a health data and analytics company) is hiring a couple of entry-level or early-career positions that might be a good fit for current students or recent graduates. A talented analyst or research assistant with some solid organizational skills would be most successful. Robert Richards (BYU Political Science graduate) will be the direct manager and they will join a team of advanced analysts (all experienced PhDs) which will give them a unique early career growth opportunity. 
You can find details at the links below:
Healthcare Data Analyst:
Research & Data Operations Specialist:
Undergraduate Diversity Fellowship
A fellowship for Black and brown students who are
freshman, sophomore, and junior college students interested in
international affairs or U.S. foreign policy.
 To learn more and apply, click here.
Application Now Open!
Upcoming Career Services and Handshake Events: 

Tuesday, February 8th, 10:00-11:00 am: Careers in Customer Service. All Majors Welcome. Register Here
Tuesday, February 8th, 10:30-11:00 am: Landing a Startup Job with Venture for America. Register Here
Tuesday, February 8th, 3:00-4:00 pm: Ask an Expert: So you struck out at the Career Fair, now what? Register Here
Thursday, February 10th, 1:00-5:00 pm: Guidepost Montessori Career Fair: San Francisco. Register Here
Thursday, February 10th, 2:00-3:00 pm: The Co-op Program: Real World Experience with NSA. Register Here
Thursday, February 10th, 5:00-6:00 pm: Bain & Company Consulting 101 Info Session, WSC 3380 (All Majors). Register Here
Tuesday, February 15th, 11:00 am-2:00 pm: Teach English Abroad- Volunteer and Paid Positions. Register Here
Tuesday, Feb 15th, 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Special Agent Information Session. Register Here
Thursday, February 17th, 11:00 am-12:00 pm: Preparing for Law School with Kris Tina Carlston, Pre-Law Advisor. Varsity Theater WSC.
* More details and events can be found on and*
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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