News & Events 3/4/2024 Skip to main content

News & Events 3/4/2024

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News & Events
March 4th, 2024

BYU Scholarships, Jobs, & Internships
Other Scholarships, Jobs, & Internships
Political Campaign Jobs & Internships
Calls for Academic Papers


Interested in public lands and city government? Come this Thursday and learn from Kira Johnson about this topic. 
Kira Johnson is the Public Lands Planner for Salt Lake City and in that role manages several of the projects passed in the Parks, Trails, and Open Space General Obligations Bond. The bond provides dedicated funding for Salt Lake City to expand and improve parks and natural areas, increase green infrastructure to meet new growth, combat climate change, and restore wildlife and pollinator habitats. These outdoor spaces and recreation opportunities provide important air and water quality benefits, and opportunities for community gathering and mental and physical health wellness.
Reading Group: Evidence and Justification
  When: 3:00pm Mondays
  Where: 4082 JFSB
  Who: Ryan Davis (political science), Derek Haderlie (philosophy), and
  anyone interested
  What: Evidence and Justification: Imagination, Narrative, and Intuition

If you are interested to attend this reading group, email Ryan Davis (
Fall 2023 Dean's List for Political Science

Students on the Dean’s List ranked in the top 5 percent of their college for the given semester, earned a minimum of 14 credit hours, and earned a minimum grade point average of at least 3.5 for the semester. This semester, everyone on the FHSS Dean’s List had a 4.0 GPA for the semester.

Congratulations to all the political science majors on the Dean's List for your hard work and dedication to academic excellence!
Fall 2023 Dean's List for Political Science

Professor Robert P. George
March 7th at 7pm at the Hinckley Center (3rd floor)

Robert P. George holds Princeton’s celebrated McCormick Professorship of Jurisprudence and is Founder and Director of the University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions. 

Constitutional structural constraints on power are necessary for the maintenance of republican government and ordered liberty, but Professor George argues that they are not sufficient. Certain virtues in the people, intellectual and moral, are no less necessary. And yet, the political order, however well-constituted it may be, cannot play more than a minor role in imparting these virtues. The major role must be played by what Edmund Burke called the “little platoons” of civil society—the private associations, beginning with the family. These associations are primary in providing health, education, and welfare, and for transmitting to each new generation the habits of mind and heart that are necessary for people to lead successful lives and be good citizens.

Women & Work: Balancing Career and Family

Thursday, March 7th @ 11am WSC 3228

Enjoy a free lunch and soda bar with a panel of women working:
1) As a nurse practitioner
2) In tech at Adobe
3) in higher education

Women have the power to truly transform their communities and our nation to be more peaceful, ethical, and just.  Each of us has a part to play in building peace and community — come discover yours.

Join us for this year's annual MWEG Conference on March 23, 2024, at Utah Valley University*.  Student registration is $25 and additional scholarship opportunities are available. 

More Info and Registration

Utah Women Run Annual Training Event
March 16th, 2024

This exciting and dynamic day is geared towards helping women who want to become more engaged in politics gather the toolkits they will need. Experts will provide valuable insights on the nuts and bolts of how to run a successful campaign, engage in policy advocacy, or become a more informed voter. Gain expert insights and invaluable networks from the female leaders who have done it before and those who are excited to dive in! Student registration is $15. 

More Info and Registration

This four-session series is open to all students, recent graduates, and campus professionals (career services, faculty, Department heads, etc.). The series explains the Federal application and hiring process to help students and recent graduates find internships and full-time jobs working in their career field and will help academic partners gain the information needed to help guide their students.

Session 1: Navigating USAJOBS (Finding and Applying for Federal Jobs)

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET
About: This overview covers key aspects of USAJOBS, the main online portal for Federal employment. The session includes how to create and manage a USAJOBS account/profile, tips on searching for Federal jobs, reviewing job announcements, applying for jobs, and how to follow up.
Register for Navigating USAJOBS

Session 2: Writing Your Resume for Federal Jobs

Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET
About: This session reviews unique aspects of writing a résumé that is specifically customized to apply for Federal jobs. Learn what information is required for a résumé that will make you more effective in the Federal hiring process. You will learn what to include, things to avoid, and what makes a résumé for Federal employment different from those used for private sector and other employment.
Register for Writing Your Federal Resume

Session 3: Interviewing for Federal Jobs

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET
About: Participants will be equipped to prepare for and engage in successful interviews for Federal jobs. We will cover actions you should take prior to, on the day of, and after your interview. Also, you will learn about the kinds of interviewing methods used by Federal agencies, the types of questions that may be asked during the interview, and how best to respond.
Register for Interviewing for Federal Jobs

Session 4: Pathways Programs for Students and Recent Graduates

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET
About: Participants will learn about the three Pathways Programs, i.e., the Internship Program, Recent Graduates Program, and Presidential Management Fellows Program. You will know eligibility requirements for each Program, i.e., what is the same and what distinguishes the Programs from one another. You will learn how you can find and apply for positions under each of the Pathways Programs.
Register for Pathways Programs
BYU Scholarships, Jobs, & Internships
Research Assistant Positions Available
Professor Joel Selway is seeking two research assistants for a project looking at the effect of ethnic structure on various social, economic, and political outcomes. Applicants will need to be competent in Stata. They should have taken Poli 300 (formerly Poli 328) or an equivalent. Interest in ethnicity & nationalism, political economy, civil war and violence, and democracy will be pluses. Pay is $15/hour, and students will be expected to work a minimum of 10 hours per week.
To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to Dr. Joel Selway ( In your cover letter, please outline relevant classes you have taken, your GPA, and your grades in Poli 300 (formerly Poli 328) and Poli 200.
Apply Here
Other Scholarships, Jobs, & Internships

Get Hired To Teach English In Thailand

Ready to have the experience of living and working in another part of the world? International Language Programs (that's us) can get you set up to apply with your Thai employer to teach English professionally at schools in Central Thailand. You'll be set up with a salary, a teaching schedule, vacation time, and more. 

Contracts are a year (12 months) from May-May.

Your employer covers the costs of your housing and meals, along with your salary.  Your salary is paid to you in local currency. 

More Info and Application
The Corporate Derivatives desk helps corporations and financial sponsors address macro market exposures across interest rates, foreign exchange, commodities and credit. Typical client dialogue relates to managing risk on the back of M&A, financing and / or other strategic initiatives, along with day-to-day exposures. As part of the Investment Banking Division, the team interacts closely with both Global Markets and Investment Grade Capital Markets, Leveraged Finance and Classic Banking to educate clients, help develop innovative solutions and execute trade ideas.
If interested in a 2024 IB Summer Analyst opportunities with the corporate derivatives, email your most updated version of your resume. 

DDC Summer 2024 Internship Program

DDC is currently recruiting rising seniors, recent graduates and graduate students to join our 10 week internship program, from June to August 2024.

DDC is a leading public affairs firm that help clients successfully navigate the intersection of business, politics, and public opinion in the modern marketplace. The overlap between stakeholders’ consumer and political identities is where opinions are formed, decisions get made, and policies take shape. DDC understands client audiences from a political perspective, and we know how to capitalize on opportunities, cultivate the right relationships, champion priorities, and manage risk in a world where everything is political.

DDC’s paid internship program offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the public affairs sector and work directly with clients from a variety of industries, including energy, healthcare, and financial services. Interns engage with account staff on a variety of projects, including research, writing, creative brainstorming and design, and technology. Our interns are our first stop for filling open positions within the company. 

This summer internship is full time and there is a minimum commitment of 10 weeks at 35-40 hours per week.

DDC Public Affairs is looking for individuals in the following areas:

  • Public Affairs
  • Corporate Communications
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • HR + Finance
More Info and Application

AIER Internships provide college students and recent graduates the opportunity to work closely with staff on projects relating to your interests. During your 10-12 week internship, your skills can be applied to scholarly research, program/event planning, marketing, graphic design, communications, editorial writing, and development/fundraising.

AIER interns are paid Massachusetts minimum wage. AIER will reimburse for expenses associated with traveling to and from Great Barrington, MA

Accommodations and Meals
Housing is provided in the AIER manor or cottages right on campus, close to the beautiful town of Great Barrington. Lunch is provided for AIER staff, fellows, and interns every workday.

2024 Fall Session: 8/26/24 - 11/15/24. Deadline to apply: 5/1/24

Fall Program Application

Senior Research Assistant at MIT with Professors Berinsky, Caughey, White, and Stewart

This is typically a two-year position that blends secretarial responsibilities with hands-on research assistance. The tasks range from handling day-today tasks like filing and processing receipts to contributing to studies and data college. The individual will be working with the Americanists — Adam Berinsky, Devin Caughey, Ariel White, and Charles Stewart. 
More Info and Application

Senior Research Support Associate at MIT with Professors Kim, Nielsen, and Hidalgo

The SENIOR RESEARCH SUPPORT ASSOCIATE in Political Science will assist three professors with their research and class-related needs.  Responsibilities will include assisting with research by engaging in data analysis, conducting computer simulations, aiding in data collection, coordinating research assistants, and assisting with the preparation of experiments and surveys.  Will also perform general administrative duties, including processing expenses, organizing seminars/conferences, and assisting with class preparation. This individual will be working with the methodologists - Daniel Hidalgo, Richard Nielsen, and In Song Kim.

This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested in gaining research experience in quantitative social science, especially for those who plan on seeking an advanced degree in the social sciences.  Past associates have been accepted into top Ph.D. programs in political science. 
More Info and Application

Senior Research Support Associate at MIT with Professor Charles Stewart

The SENIOR RESEARCH SUPPORT ASSOCIATE, in Political Science-MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL), will support the data processing and research assistance needs of the lab. Responsibilities will include assisting with data management and research by collecting and cleaning data, performing data analysis, creating graphs and figures, visualizing data, and preparing tables for papers that are in the process of publication; assisting with the fielding of surveys; and performing general administrative duties, including file organization, participating in meetings, and other miscellaneous tasks. This is an ideal position for someone interested in gaining research experience in political science and data science more broadly. 
More Info and Application


Predoctoral Fellowships at Yale University

These are 1- or 2-year positions with competitive salaries and standard benefits such as health insurance. Predocs work with one or more faculty supervisors helping in the capacity specified by the supervisor and they also take 1 class each semester at the graduate or undergraduate level. This program is designed for students who are considering a PhD in political science but either aren’t sure about it or would benefit from the opportunity to take classes and work with faculty before applying.

Are you thinking about a PhD in political science? Yale University is hiring college graduates for predoctoral fellowships. 
More Info
Available positions and Application

Summer Internship with Institute for Medicaid Innovation

IMI is seeking up to three (3) summer interns to provide support on projects related to Medicaid managed care, health disparities, equity, social determinants of health, and specific clinical areas of women’s, maternal child, adolescent, and behavioral health. This position offers an excellent opportunity to be a part of an organization focused on uniting key stakeholders to perform research analyses, develop quality improvement initiatives, and provide education and training that demonstrate the impact of Medicaid managed care on access to quality care for vulnerable populations in the U.S. The internship will begin in May/June and continue through August.
Application Due March 15th

The Academy for Civic Education and Democracy (ACED) will convene its inaugural cohort in June 2024. ACED is RRI’s in-person 8-week summer program in Washington, DC. Classes will be held at the Ronald Reagan Institute building and accredited by George Washington University. The ACED program is designed to foster the next generation of civic leaders. During the Summer, undergraduate students will immerse themselves in Washington, DC for a profound and experiential learning experience. Students will participate in an accredited course that provides them with the chance to explore history both within and beyond the classroom. Every week, they will not only interact with influential figures from diverse sectors but also put their skills, knowledge, and network into practice through internships. This unique opportunity in Washington, DC will empower students to begin their own leadership journey with confidence and tangible experiences.
Program Dates: June 2 - July 26

Apply Here by March 15th
Interesting in a career in tech policy? Not sure where to start?
Emerging Tech Policy Careers can help you get started. 
More Info
Fill Out Survey Here

American Enterprise Institute Summer Honors Program

The Summer Honors Program is an intensive, fully-funded educational and professional development opportunity in Washington, DC, for top undergraduate students. Participants in the program have the chance to connect with the ideas, research, and network of the American Enterprise Institute during a one-week seminar with an AEI scholar or partner instructor.
Political Campaign Jobs & Internships

Internship with U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathryn Dahlin

Internships are available to work on Kathryn Dahlin’s campaign in Utah's 3rd Congressional District. This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in politics, public policy, campaign strategy, and community engagement. Responsibilities include assisting with day-to-day campaign operations and engaging with community members and voters. Get hands-on experience in a political campaign, network with professionals in the field of politics, and develop a deeper understanding of political processes. Please note that this is an unpaid position. Send your resume to
More Info
Volunteer Campaign Opportunity
with Utah State House of Representatives for District 23, Jeff Howell 
Jeff Howell, democratic candidate for Utah State House of Representatives for District 23, is looking for multiple interns for his campaign. Available roles include: social media marketing, canvassing, fundraising, and others. 

Interested? Contact Ashlan A. Gruwell, Campaign Manager, at
More Info
Congresswoman Celeste Maloy's Office is Hiring Interns for the Winter Semester
For more information contact her office at: 166 Cannon House Office Building
(202) 225-9730
Volunteer Campaign Opportunity
with United States Senate Candidate Jason J. Walton

United States Senate Candidate, Republican Jason J. Walton, is looking for sharp, motivated, driven volunteers and interns who want to make a difference and put America back on track. Jason Walton is a local candidate from Provo and a local business owner and entrepreneur. Don’t miss the opportunity to network, boost your resume and be part of the solution! 
Contact Peter Kucharek ~ (307) 220-1323 ~ 

Volunteer/Internship Campaign Opportunity
with Rachelle Morris
 for Salt Lake County Council
We're looking for a few volunteers who are ready to take on a formal role in a local political campaign. Each of these positions will require 5-10 hours per week, and we are willing to offer internship credit upon request. We have the following positions open:
  • Press Secretary / Communications Specialist (drafting press releases, pitching stories to reporters, copywriting)
  • Social Media Specialist (Instagram reels, posting across platforms, captions, growing followers, some graphic creation in Canva)
  • Graphic Designer (Graphics for social media, Flyers, etc)
  • Email Marketing Specialist (drafting emails, strategy)
  • Event Coordinator (plan cottage meetings, campaign events, convention booth)
If you are interested in these or other positions on the campaign, please contact Brinley Koenig at (817) 307-7836 or
Calls for Academic Papers
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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