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News & Events
March 7, 2022
Political Science News
Come get pizza and connect with other political science majors! Peer mentors from various groups and organizations will be available to answer questions, help you get involved, and offer general advice about making the most of your experience as a political science major.
Would you like to be recognized for your academic excellence in Political Science?  Then join Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society. To qualify, you must at least be a Junior, have a 3.5 GPA, and have taken 10 credit hours of political science coursework. (You don't have to be a poli sci major or minor.) 

New members will be inducted at the Political Science Department's annual awards banquet and dinner (on Fri, April 1st at 6pm) and will receive a medal and tassels that they can wear at graduation with their robes. The cost for the dinner and lifetime membership in Pi Sigma Alpha is $40. Applications are due by Monday, March 14th.
Kennedy Student Research Fellows
The Kennedy Center offers awards for the top student papers this year with a tie to our semester’s theme, which is global inequality
Below is the link for students to learn how to submit a paper to become a Kennedy Research Fellow.  They need to submit a finished paper that includes original research.  The research may have been completed in a previous semester.  Awards are $1000 and include an opportunity to present the research publicly. 
Applications are due on March 15
Read the March issue of the Political Review here:
Read the latest Political Science Post featuring Sven Wilson:
We want to share this opportunity that could be beneficial to your members! Sponsored by Marriott School of Business Career Center, The Global Career Summit is coming up on March 11th! 62% of BYU students speak a different language, and the majority of those students have international experience. Our goal - fill this international gap in BYU recruiting and give students opportunities to find the international opportunities they are already so prepared for. Happening in the Tanner Building, the event will include incredible keynote speakers pictured in the attachment below, free lunch, breakout sessions with the speakers, and an awesome chance to network. 
When: March 11th, 2022. 10am - 2pm
Where: TNRB 251
For: Anyone and everyone interested in opportunities abroad!
Job and Internship Opportunities
AFPC Summer Internships
We provide aspiring young foreign policy leaders with the opportunity to thrive and begin contributing to national security in a meaningful way. Almost all our interns delve into large research projects and assist with the publication of articles and/or the organizing and execution of events with foreign dignitaries. Many of our interns have been published in prestigious media outlets, including, The HillNewsweekThe National InterestThe Washington Times,, and The Wall Street Journal Europe, among others. 
Deadline: March 15th
 To learn more please Click Here
New Yale Pre-doc program for students interested in pursuing a PhD
This is a new program at Yale's Center for the Study of American Politics this year. The CSAP Pre-Doctoral Fellows Program brings students with a BA/BS to campus to work as full time research assistants in quantitative political science and build skills as they prepare to apply to PhD programs in political science.
For information about the program, available positions, and the application process, please Click Here
Two Upcoming Programs!
The Summer Honors Program brings exceptional students to AEI to study with our scholars, participate in briefings with distinguished guests, enjoy high-level networking opportunities, and visit significant sites around Washington. Applications for the 2022 program will be accepted through Friday, March 11th. 

We are also excited to announce the inaugural cohort of the 1789 Fellowship in American Political Thought & Modern Practice. This fellowship will provide 15 graduate students and early career professionals the opportunity to study political theory and public policy with AEI scholars--including Yuval Levin, Diana Schaub, Timothy P. Carney, Benjamin Storey, and Jenna Silber Storey--and other prominent experts.
The application deadline is Friday, March 18th
Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation Opportunity
This is an opportunity for students to directly influence nuclear policy at the federal level. Delegates are among the top of their class, and show a strong commitment to the advancement of their field. To learn more about this opportunity, please Click Here.
Applications are due April 30th.
Venture Capital Night
A webinar for all undergraduate students interested in VC, tech, or entrepreneurship
Tuesday, March 8th @ 5-6 pm | Register Here
Battery's part-time on-campus Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 externship program:
Battery Ventures is now accepting applications for their Summer 2022 (May through Aug) and Fall 2022 (Sep through Dec) part-time on-campus externship program. This program is run remotely and is available to undergraduate students from all schools/majors. This program gives undergraduate students real-world tech-focused venture capital experience.

To apply, please Click Here Students advancing in the process will then be contacted for video interviews.
For more information on this externship, please Click Here 
Upcoming Career Services and Handshake Events: 
Tuesday, March 8th, 3:00-4:00 pm: Ask an Expert: 7 Steps to your Job Search. Step 1- Explore Options. Register Here
Wednesday, March 9th, 9:00 am-2:00 pm: Careers & the disABLED Virtual Career Fair. Register Here
Thursday, March 10th, 11:00am-12:00 pm: State Department Student Series- Consular Fellows Program. Register Here
Thursday, March 10th, 12:00-1:00 pm: Ask an Expert: 7 Steps to Your Job Search: Step 2-Professional Documents. Register Here
Tuesday, March 15th, 12:00 -1:00 pm: What’s at Your Core? Habitat for Humanity AmeriCorps Info Session. Register Here
* More details and events can be found on and*
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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