News & Events 4/3/2023 Skip to main content

News & Events 4/3/2023

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News & Events
April 3rd, 2023
Political Science News
Vote Here
Monday, April 3rd
6:00-6:45 pm: McKinsey & Company: Choosing you McKinsey Office. Register Here

Tuesday, April 4th
10:00 am-1:00 pm: J.P Morgan Private Bank: Tabling Session (General Business). Register Here
5:00-6:00 pm: J.P. Morgan Private Bank: Information Session (General Business). Register Here
5:00-6:00 pm: McKinsey Practice Spotlight. Register Here

Wednesday, April 5th 
4:30-5:15 pm: Marshall Teacher Residency: Pathways into Teaching. Register Here
5:00-6:00 pm: Teach for America: Evolve: How to Find a Career that Fits. Register Here

Monday, April 10th
5:00-6:00 pm: Teach for America: Evolve: How to Sell Your Strengths to Employers. Register Here
More details and events can be found on and

TestMasters LSAT Killer Games Workshop

Killer Games has a free Workshop presented by TestMasters, the leader in high-end LSAT preparation.

When: April 4, 2023 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Mountain Time

The workshop will be conducted by Megan Giacomantonio, a veteran TestMasters instructor with an official LSAT score in the 99th percentile and over six years of LSAT teaching experience. You'll be challenged with some of the most difficult logic games that have ever appeared on the LSAT and Megan will show you how to crush them!

If you are interested in law school and want to crush the LSAT, don't miss this great opportunity. RSVP now to save your spot!
Register Here
Job and Internship Opportunities
The Utah Museum of Contemporary Art is
pleased to welcome an Education Intern
for the 2023 Summer quarter!

The Education Intern supports this mission by assisting with community events, developing curriculum and teaching summer camps for ages 9-14, and developing projects that support their own professional goals.

Special projects for this quarter include assisting with the Utah Arts Festival, taking the lead on planning one Family Art Saturday, and helping curate the summer camp student exhibition and 2023-2024 mobile Art Truck exhibition.

May 15th through August 14th, unpaid; outside required dates, hours range from 2-5 per week

To apply, please send a resume, cover letter, and weekly availability to with subject line “SUMMER Intern Application 2023 Ed.” 

More Info
Campaign Internship Opportunities Available
 Craig Christensen is running for City Council in Provo is seeking driven and creative individuals to join his team. For more information, click the links below. 
Political Strategy Intern
Campaign Website Administrator Intern
Campaign Website Administrator Intern
Data Manager to the Department of Political Science and the QoG institute
The Department of Political Science and the QoG-institute are now looking for a permanent database manager to the QoG data team for the collection and integration of comparative data. You will get to work in an international, dynamic research environment and gain insight into many different research projects. You will be part of a creative and self-motivated team and have the opportunity to collaborate with different researchers in QoG-related research.
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The Utah Governor's office is now accepting applications for the Fall Fellowship program.

This program offers a unique opportunity for students to gain experience in public service and leadership.   Fellows work directly with members of the governor's senior staff and contribute to many meaningful projects. Students will receive $15 per hour for their service from August to December. 

The application portal for our Fall Fellowship program is open now through April 28, 2023. If there are any questions, their website provides helpful information. 

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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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