News & Events 6/5/2023 Skip to main content

News & Events 6/5/2023

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News & Events
June 5th, 2023
Congratulations to all of our students who made the
Dean's List for Winter 2023!
A new course, 379R Introduction to Grand Strategy, has been added to the fall schedule!
Course Description 
This course surveys the evolution of thinking about strategy and grand strategy from Thucydides and Clausewitz to modern strategists such as Bernard Brodie, Thomas Schelling, and Colin Gray. While most college strategy courses only focus on Western perspectives on strategy and grand strategy, this course will explicitly address contributions from both East and West, including Sun Tzu and Ghandhi. An introduction to concepts from the age of classical grand strategy will provide the foundation for studying the origins of modern strategic thinking, the moral and ethical constraints on strategy and grand strategy, contrasts between the Clausewitzian concept of decisive war and Marxist idea of total war, strategies of geopolitical revolution and irregular war, theories of seapower and airpower, and their impact on nuclear strategies, and the ramifications of emerging technologies such as cyber and AI for strategy and grand strategy. The history of American policy and thinking about grand strategy will also be a recurring theme of the course, as will a review of the grand strategies of Russia and China, as context for better understanding the contemporary contest for global primacy.
Curriculum Changes
As you register for fall classes, please be aware of curriculum changes that have been made to the course numbers of several political science classes. Although the numbers are different, the titles and content of these classes have not changed.
  • Poli 328 is now Poli 300
  • Poli 410 is now Poli 310
  • Poli 430 is now Poli 330
  • Poli 450 is now Poli 350
  • Poli 400 is now Poli 360
  • Poli 470 is now Poli 370
Feel free to contact the department or the advisement center with any questions.
 Internship position open with the
Utah Senate Democrats
The Utah Senate is looking for someone to drive forward a project related to the Great Salt Lake. The position would be unpaid, part-time (very flexible hours and schedule),  remote / in person/ hybrid, eligible for credit, opportunities to work directly with Senator Plumb, media opportunities, etc. 
It is a great opportunity for a student to direct this special project and really make it their own. 
Email for more information
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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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