News & Events 8/3/2022 Skip to main content

News & Events 8/3/2022

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News & Events
August 3, 2022
Political Science Students,

Listed below are a few job and internship opportunities that may be of interest to you. We hope you're having a great summer break!
Job and Internship Opportunities
POLI 150 Tutor Needed
Political Science tutor needed for POLI 150 for the PE Department
-Pays $13.00 an hour
-2-3 hours a week
-Tutoring student athletes in the SAB
Contact Mark Shamshoian at or text (408) 596-1498
FHSS Writing Lab Hiring!
The FHSS Writing Lab is currently looking for new advisors for Fall semester. Please reach out to them to apply or for further questions.
Matthew Grendell, FHSS Writing Lab Manager:
Advocacy Internship with the IRC
State advocacy officer, Annie Healion, with the International Rescue Committee—a humanitarian aid organization that promotes refugee inclusion and resettlement, is currently hiring an intern to support her portfolio across Utah and Nevada. Working remotely from either state, the intern will help research, develop, and analyze state legislation in NV & UT. The full job description is available HERE. This is a great opportunity for students interested in refugee resettlement, humanitarian advocacy and policy, or looking to fulfill an internship requirement.
For questions, contact Annie Rose Healion:
AEI Survey Center Internship
There are openings for a fall internship here at the Survey Center on American Life at AEI. We research American public opinion as it relates to politics, religion, current events etc. The deadline is rolling but we would love to have applicants ASAP (hopefully by the end of this week). This is a great opportunity for students hoping to participate in Washington Seminar or just anyone interested in working in survey/ public opinion research.
The information for the internship can be found here 
For further questions or assistance, please contact Kelsey Eyre at

Paid Internship at the United Utah Party
This position is perfect for college students looking to build up their resume and learn a plethora of technical skills that can be useful in many different careers, especially careers in the political world. It's a great opportunity and safe place to learn and make yourself more valuable to future potential employers. Most importantly, there's always room for growth. The more you want to do, the more you can do for the party. This is not a “coffee-fetching” type of internship, you will actively be doing things that directly help with the party’s many goals.

In addition, working in this position means that you will be working directly with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the party, and be part of the bi-weekly executive committee meetings. This means that through osmosis, and direct learning, you'll be introduced to a variety of political soft skills that are a vital part of building relationships in the public and private sector, skills that you only learn by doing.


- Working with Nation Builder (A program you'll likely use again in anything involving politics, campaigns, or any type of organization that requires supporters to be successful).

- Drafting and sending email blasts to supporters.

- Being available to answer the party phone (Callers range from people considering joining the party, to reporters asking for interviews, to potential candidates wanting to affiliate with us).

- Staffing the office.

- Mailing merch.

- Reserving venues.

- Format spreadsheets.

- Making calls on behalf of the party.

- Aid in organizing and setting up events such as parades, caucus meetings, county conventions, and state-wide events.

- Help with anything else that may come up.

Learning opportunities:

- Learn about organizing and growing a grassroots organization.

- Become familiar with the organization, purpose, and process of a political party.

- Learn and observe skills in communicating with others, especially with people in the public sector.

- Front row seats for when politically significant events and changes happen.

It will require 8-12 hours/wk, paid by the hour.

Note: It is not a requirement to be registered with the party to be accepted for this position

We are looking to fill this position sooner than later, so please contact us ASAP if you are interested:

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Political Science Department
Brigham Young University
745 KMBL
Provo, UT 84602

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