News & Events 9/11/2023 Skip to main content

News & Events 9/11/2023

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News & Events
September 11th, 2023
Internships & Jobs

Applications are open for the Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, a highly competitive national fellowship program that provides recent college and graduate school alumni with the funding and opportunity to work with one of more than two dozen participating institutions in Washington, DC, including leading think tanks and advocacy groups that focus on international security and diplomacy issues.

Scoville Fellows are supervised by senior-level staff members at their host institutions and may work on a range of issues including nuclear and conventional arms control and nonproliferation; atrocity prevention, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding; diplomacy; emerging technology threats; environmental security; and global health security. They contribute to their host organizations' goals through research, public education, advocacy, and by writing articles, blog posts, fact sheets, letters to the editor, op-eds, and/or reports. In addition, fellows often help organize talks and conferences and attend coalition meetings, policy briefings, and congressional hearings. Benefits of this fellowship include salary, basic health insurance compensation, mentoring, moving costs to DC, meetings with policy experts, a modest stipend for professional development purposes, and an entrée into an increasingly influential network of alumni working for domestic and international NGOs, the federal government, academia, and media.
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Brigham Young University
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